Monday, September 1, 2008

Gustav 9/1/08

I've intended to update my blog for a long time...I didn't expect to write about hurricane evacuation.

We're sitting in Memphis, in a hotel room with 3 cats. I think everyone staying at this hotel is from the Gulf Coast, with pets in tow. We left NOLA Friday afternoon. It took 3 hours to drive 35 miles, then 6 more hours to Memphis. It sounds like the traffic was much, much worse for people who left on Saturday or Sunday.

I could have never understood what its like to have to evacuate and wonder what will happen to your home, community, friends still recovering from Katrina, small businesses, the oak trees, the street cars (just finally completely back up in June), neighborhoods, the schools which are still struggling to recover... Its very emotional. Worried and hoping for the best...

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